Positron Risk Management is a South African based consulting firm, providing unique risk and business solutions for a diverse range of customers.
The management of risk arising from the mismatch between assets and liabilities due to liquidity or interest rate changes
The investigation and analysis of the businessrequirements, as well asthe documentation of the business, processes and systems. This arises from new system implementations of industry leading banking, treasury and risk platforms
The management of capital to optimise the customer’s capital structure based on their risk profile. This includes both regulatory and economic capital. Regulatory capital is the minimum regulatory requirement of capital to be held for a specific level of assets. Economic capital is defined as the capital requirement to cover the economic effects of risk taking activities.
The independent fair valuation of corporate liabilities as well as simple and complex derivatives. Corporate liabilities include BEE, Preference and Bonus Share Schemes as well as Warrants and Convertible Bonds.
The analysis of data for business intelligence purposes, allowing senior management to enhance efficiency and profit and help them to make strategic decisions. This sometimes includes the use of industry leading software to ensure pragmatic and sustainable customer solutions.
The regulatory guidelines as defined by the regulatory agencies such as the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). These guidelines define a basic standardised framework for risk and capital management for the financial services industry.
A financial services provider is required to define policies and procedures for risk identification, measurement, assessment and management. Risk management is the process of identifying risks, measuring exposure to those risks, monitoring risk exposures, taking steps to control and mitigate risk and reporting to senior management. Generally, the risks arising from daily operations include credit, liquidity, market and operational risk. Credit risk is thepotential loss arising from a borrower defaulting on its obligation/s. Liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to service short term liquidity demands.This may arise from the inability to quickly convert a security or asset into cash. Market risk or Systemic risk is the potential loss arising from theadverse movements in factors that affect financial markets. Operational risk is the potential loss arising from inadequate internal processes, people and systems or from external events.